Strong personalities
Wine is a culmination, the fruit of choice and personal touches. It is therefore a reflection of a commitment of our two personalities.
Vincent, the vineyard is his field
While he was a child, he put his boots to see the cows. This attraction to the living world grows to study engineering in agriculture. His meeting with Amélie led him to be interested in the world of wine. In spring 2006, the choice is quickly made and he leaves the world of finance to return to its roots. Naturally, it takes over from Michel in charge of the vineyard. This interest in observing and understanding the vine drives him to change the vineyard with alternative solutions. Today, he is involved with several projects close to his heart, developping the experimentation of new varieties on our vineyards and research of new Terroirs for the Muscadet.

Amélie, the ambassador of our wines

The contact is in her nature. As a child, she walked in the barrels cellar with her father. Student, she hesitates between wine and trade. Finally, she turns to international trade. When Bernard asked her to join her in spring 2006, the decision was obvious. Amélie imposes her feminine personality. For her, the wine means relationship. She therefore increases her visits on the markets to meet our importers, to create new relationships and to present our wines. With success, her ambition is now to show all the nobility of Muscadet worldwide.

Les Frères Couillaud
La Grande Ragotière
44330 La Regrippière - France
Tél : +332 40 33 60 56
Fax : +332 40 33 61 89
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Monday to Friday
from 09:00 am to noon and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturday from 10am to 1pm
Closed on Saturday afternoon and Sunday
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