Wine Paris 2022 !

After 2 years of remote exchanges in the context of a pandemic, we are very happy to be able to meet you again at this show. During this professional wine fair, you will be able to taste our new vintages and discover our new cuvées.
Looking forward to see you at our booth Hall 6, DE 046-10 at Wine Paris (14-16 February 2022).

Les Frères Couillaud
La Grande Ragotière
44330 La Regrippière - France
Tél : +332 40 33 60 56
Fax : +332 40 33 61 89
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Opening time
Monday to Friday
from 09:00 am to noon and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturday from 10am to 1pm
Closed on Saturday afternoon and Sunday
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